Enjoy Aging! And What’s Going On With Your Body

Enjoy Aging!

By Alfred Stallion

This Elderly Couple knows how to enjoy aging. They accept and adjust to the natural changes that occur.
Enjoy Aging, because it’s a fact of life. Part of this is a change in your body’s ability to handle certain tasks, an increase in vulnerability to illness, and a variety of other conditions that can affect your ability to do things that were once straightforward. But, by understanding the natural changes that occur in your body with age, you can expect them and adjust accordingly, ensuring that you enjoy an active and happy life.

Your Attitude [added by editor]

In 10 Reasons Why Life Gets Better As You Grow Up, Brianna West says, “We don’t age by years; we age by experience.” While our bodies go through a natural aging process, research shows that in many ways we get better as we age. Apparently experience and wisdom contributes to happiness, which US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy suggests is even more important than nutrition, exercise and sleep. (see video below) Here are some reasons to be positive:

♥  With experience, you’ve built cognitive skills required for happiness: gratitude, objectivity, problem-solving.
♥  With a few major life achievements under your belt, you’re generally more content and confident.
♥  You already know how to get through many of life’s challenges, because you’ve done it before.
♥  Rather than “What can I do,” you start asking, “What can I enjoy.”
♥  Bonds you built with people over the years become a social safety net.
♥  You start seeing your time here on Earth as a gift and an opportunity, not a guarantee.

Your Bones

Many older people suffer from osteoporosis. It can happen to anyone but is more common in women. The condition involves the gradual thinning and weakening of bones and can increase the chance of breaking a bone from a fall, which could affect your quality of life if it lessens your confidence. Avoid osteoporosis by having regular checkups with your doctor. There supplements that can help and being aware means you’ll be more careful about the risk of falling. Calcium supplements in particular, will help strengthen your bones; however make sure to consult your health practitioner first.

Your Heart

As you age the walls of your heart can thicken, enlarging your heart, and resulting in a lower heart rate and a reduced ability to complete some tasks and exercises. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep can decrease the risk of heart disease as you get older.

Your Brain & Nervous System

Occasional forgetfulness is common as you age. It may be because you have so many memories already, which is not the same as having dementia. Aging and diseases contracted through life can cause damage to brain cells and nerves and slow reflexes. This is normal but should be monitored to make sure it doesn’t lead to dementia. Recent studies have linked good sleep, nutrition and exercise with brain health, and overall health. And tests of mouse brains have shown that brain cells shrink during deep sleep to allow cerebral fluids to circulate and clear out excess toxins and the beta amyloid proteins that can form plaques associated with Alzheimer’s.

Your Digestion

A common side effect of aging is less flexibility in the digestive tract. This results in a lower level of muscle contractions and can lead to constipation, stomach pains or even feelings of sickness. It’s best to watch your diet to make sure you have the right amount of nutrition and fiber, and ask your doctor if a colonoscopy exam is recommended.

Your Senses

As you age your reactions slow, and a common side effect of this is a reduction in your senses. Eye sight is reduced, hearing becomes more difficult, and even taste diminishes. Unfortunately there is little that can be done to prevent this.

Your Teeth

Your teeth are covered by tough enamel but life takes its toll on this enamel. As you age the enamel wears thin, and you’re more likely to experience cavities or gum disease.

Your Skin

As skin ages it loses its elasticity and sagging and wrinkles appear. The effects of aging are made worse by excessive sun exposure and smoking, particularly when you are young. To look your best as you age start protecting your skin now! And again, get plenty of beauty sleep.


Many older people indulge in sex less as the desire fades. Sex can also be complicated by a loss of vaginal lubrication or erectile dysfunction, but both of these issues can be easily treated, and an active sex life can and should be enjoyed by every senior citizen.


So how does one Enjoy Aging? It’s better to reduce the effects of aging before they happen, however some effects are inevitable. Being prepared is essential to ensuring that you enjoy a healthy quality of life in your older years. Following these tips, no matter what age you are, will help you and your body age gracefully:

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat right. Watch both your food intake and the quality of your food, because a balance diet is essential.
  • Sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle, no matter what age you are. Different people have different sleep needs. Find your requirements and stick to them.
  • Remain socially active by meeting friends and family regularly.
  • Get regular physical checkups to catch any issues early.
  • Take any medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Ask your doctor about nutritional supplements such as omega-3s and omega-6s to keep your heart strong and your mind active.
  • If you smoke, quit, even if you need help doing so.
  • Keep alcohol consumption within medically accepted guidelines.

If you understand the aging process and take care of your physical and mental health, you’ll be able to enjoy a long, happy life!

About the Author

Alfred Stallion is interested in writing about health and fitness related issues. He has a deep knowledge at this field. Also he writes for a site https://www.foresthc.com/ offering elderly care homes and retirement villages in UK.

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy prescribes happiness


16 Chair Exercises for Seniors & How to Get Started (Vive Health) This is great – it’s got exercises for people of all abilities, and even includes helpful videos.

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